Seller abbreviations

If you find yourself stumbling over weird acronyms in Real Estate listings, don't worry. There is a method to the madness of this shorthand (which is sellers use to save money in advertising charges). Here are some definitions that may help:

assum. fin.: Assumable financing.

dk: Deck

gar: Garage (garden is usually abbreviated "gard").

expansion pot'l: Expansion potential. There may be extra space on the lot, or vertical potential for a top floor or room addition. Verify actual potential by checking local zoning restrictions prior to purchase.

fab pentrm: Fabulous pentroom. A room on top, underneath the roof, that sometimes has views.

FDR: Formal dining room (not the former president).

frplc, fplc, FP: Fireplace.

grmet kit: Gourmet kitchen.

HDW, HWF, Hdwd: Hardwood floors.

hi ceils: High ceilings.

in-law potential: Potential for a separate apartment. Sometimes, local zoning codes restrict rentals of such units, so be sure the conversion is legal.

large E-2 plan: This is one of several floor plans available in a specific building.

lsd pkg: Leased parking area; may come with an additional cost.

lo dues: Find out just how low these homeowner's dues are, and in comparison to what?

nr bst schls: Near the best schools.

Pvt: Private.

pwdr rm: Powder room or half-bath.

Upr: Upper floor.

vw, vu, vws, vus: View(s).

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